#PayItForward: Filling prescriptions at Apothecary Shoppe helps us provide services to those in need. How can you help? Simply choose to fill your prescriptions at Apothecary Shoppe or certain Walgreens pharmacies! Ask us for more information.

Insurance Information

Insurance Information

*Our practice is credentialed with many insurance companies, under a variety of business lines (insurance plans). Benefits and coverage vary even within insurance companies. Please always contact your insurance company directly prior to seeking services at our clinic to verify our providers are contracted under your specific plan, and also when determining if certain visits, labs, procedures, etc. are considered covered under your specific insurance policy.

In-Network Insurers

Select Health

Regence BlueCross BlueShield

United Healthcare



PEHP (Utah Public Employee Health Plan)

EMI (Utah Educators Mutual Insurance)

UHealth – University of Utah

Health Choice Utah




Awaiting Approval From Insurer



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