PrEP & PEP Medications
Preventing HIV
Being diagnosed with HIV doesn’t have to define you. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support to people living with HIV. We offer the latest in antiretroviral therapies, ongoing monitoring, nutritional guidance, mental health support, and assistance in managing potential side effects. Our goal is to help you maintain a high quality of life, manage your condition effectively, and minimize any impact on your daily activities.
PrEP Medication
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a preventative approach for people who are at high risk of getting HIV. It involves taking a specific medicine daily to reduce the risk of infection. We offer PrEP consultations and ongoing monitoring to ensure it’s working effectively for you, while also providing education and support to help you maintain your overall health.
PEP Medication
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a method to prevent HIV infection after a recent possible exposure. It involves taking antiretroviral medicines as soon as possible, ideally within 72 hours of exposure. We provide PEP consultations and treatment, as well as follow-up care to ensure the medication’s effectiveness and support your overall well-being.
Have Questions?
What is PrEP?
PrEP, or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a preventive measure that involves taking medication daily to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV.
What is PEP?
PEP, or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a course of antiretroviral drugs taken after potential exposure to HIV to prevent the virus from establishing an infection
Which Do I Need?
If you’re regularly having sex, PrEP could be a good option. If you’ve had a recent possible exposure to HIV, PEP may be recommended. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
How Effective are PrEP and PEP?
When taken correctly and consistently, PrEP can reduce the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99%, and PEP can prevent HIV infection if started within 72 hours of exposure.
Can I get PrEP & PEP For Free?
Many health insurance plans cover the cost of PrEP and PEP, and there are also assistance programs available to help cover costs for those who qualify. Consult with our care providers for more information about your options.
Caring For You Every Step Of The Way
Primary Care
HIV & STI Testing
At-Home Testing
Insurance Information